Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yes, new hair...

Last month I cut my hair.   Here is the before picture.


It was getting long enough that when I sat down it would get stuck behind me.  I've come to realize this is always the point I get to before it begins to bug me.  Then I chop it.  Here is the most recent chop.

new hair

I like it, but I am realizing that when you actually have a hair do you can have really bad hair days.  Oh well, I haven't yet lost any sleep over the matter.

What do you think?!


Lindsay said...

I love it! So cute - but you look beautiful any way. I love Henry trying to get your attention in the that Henry?

I just got a new "do" today too! I cut me some bangs...

Anonymous said...

I like the hair cut. So does Lexy.


Janell said...

You look marvelous!!

...Sheri said...

It is Jesse trying to get into the picture... his new favorite pasttime. :)

stevensbball said...

I love it Sheri, it looks great. Always fun to do something new and it doesn't hurt when it looks pretty darn cute too!

Natalie said...

You look awesome. Yes I still use lame words like that!