What a sweet girl. She has been getting up early to get herself ready and then make me breakfast in bed. Who taught her to be so thoughtful? Not her mom who seems to snooze the morning away and only get up in time to make lunches, fix cold cereal, fix hair, and jet the girls to school after family prayer.

Aubrie has been playing basketball for the past few weeks and enjoying it. Last night at the local School Board meeting she presented something for her teachers with a few other class members. She did such a great job.
Aubrie always helps me get things done. She helps cook, clean and take care of the kids when I need an extra set of hands. I expect a lot of her and she always does her best to please me. She loves making people laugh and tries to think of ways for me to 'sneak' a kiss from Matt.
BIG thanks and love to Aubrie.