Friday, August 29, 2008

Henry's first day...

Today he's off to school. He has been asking me for three months "How many days until school starts."

He woke up at 6:15 this morning got dressed in his new clothes and shoes. He was so excited to put on his new underwear after his bath last night. He assisted me in making lunches. He ate toast, raisin bran and breakfast cake for breakfast. I guess he wanted to make sure that he wouldn't starve.


He wanted to ride the bus with the girls for his first day. So he had to wear his bus tag. DSC03333

Here he is at school.


We could hardly get him to slow down and wait for us.

Here he is at his table. Ready to get started.DSC03335

Now I just hope that I'm ready for him to be gone all day...

1 comment:

Janell said...

It seems as if he's ready to be at school. Hope he has a great year!