Friday, November 30, 2007

A flash back...

I wrote this a few years ago when Aubrie was 4, she is now almost 10. We were given an assignment in Relief Society to write about a spiritual experience. The experiences of all of the sisters of the Ward were printed in a book, and given to each of us. What a treasure. I was just browsing through my files the other day and found this. I hope you enjoy.

As a mother I find myself looking for those small moments that reward my efforts. It’s these small, profound moments that make everything worth while. Sleepless nights, endless dishes, and mountains of laundry are easily forgotten in these shining moments. I’ve recently been rewarded with a moment that will never be forgotten. Aubrie, my oldest, is almost 4 years old and has been going through another growth spurt. She has been plagued with aching legs, like her daddy was when he was young. Fits of pain usually strike in the middle of the night and result in almost inconsolable pain. On one of these nights after the pain had passed I sat rocking her in my arms. In the pale light I studied her sleeping features for several minutes. While rocking, I thought of how many times I had taken her in my arms and loved her in these short 4 years. As my feelings of love and sympathy swelled I was given a glimpse of the love that Heavenly Father has for Aubrie, and the strength of her spirit. It was as if I could see past the 4 year old body and see the full potential of her spirit. As I sat quietly basking in the moment, the Holy Spirit testified to my soul of her strength and my responsibility as her mother, teacher, and example. I sat rocking her for longer than normal in gratitude for the experience, wanting and needing to be closer to her for a little longer. When the rough times come I will be able to reflect back on this moment to help me remember.

Sheri Stevens

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I love this experience you shared. It's those little glimpses that sometimes seem so rare, that like you said, make everything we are doing as mothers worth it. I just wish I could get these glimpses more often!