Thursday, December 18, 2008

So many cookies...

I love my traditions.  This year I was able to make my traditional Santa cookies.  322 of them.  I always think that I can cut down the list, but who wants to be cut off.  The most I've ever made was 465.  A few years ago I timed myself to see just how long it really takes to make them.  It averaged out to about 10-11 minutes per cookie.  What a 'crazy labor of love' - as my SIL, Lindsay says.

Here are photos I took of the decorating process.

Santa- fresh baked and cooled.DSC03646

Santa with his mouth and cheeks colored and hat with sprinkles.


Santa with beard frosted and coconuted.DSC03648

Finally, piped frosting for the mustache, pompom, hat trim, and eyebrows.


Here's one of the batches I did.DSC03650

And here's what I look like after finishing late one night.  Exhausted mommy.


This year I did a few variations.

The normal cookie with coconut beards.DSC03649

Sprinkle beards for the kids' classroom treats.DSC03718

Jesse's -end of the dough - tiny santaDSC03666 DSC03665

And, by request our Auntie Megan wanted -- abominable Snowman.

DSC03661 Which, I might add, are delicious.  I had to sample one to make sure they were edible.