Saturday, December 8, 2007

A cute tale from Grandpa's view

I thought that this was so cute -- Written by Marv I think -- that I had to post it!
Goldilocks (??) and the Two Grandparents
A Tale of Kind Deeds

Once upon a time there was two kindly, gentle grandparents who lived deep in the Rock Forest of Boulder Lane. They had been called to work in the Temple so, one Wednesday Afternoon, they left their small home to perform their duties.

They had worked a full shift and were very tired. They could hardly wait to get back to their home and retire for the night.

AS they were nearing their humble abode, they traveled slowly down the Bumpy Road, and just as they were preparing to make the final turn onto the driveway, Grandma lurched forward in her seat and exclaimed, “Look at all of those Christmas lights!! Wait-- is that Our house that is all lit up?”

Grandpa wisely said, “Don’t look at me!! I didn’t do it—don’t blame me.”

They traveled further up the driveway and saw three brightly lighted reindeer feasting in the driveway. It seemed a little strange that they were eating gravel. Perhaps Santa had come a little early and forgotten three of his reindeer. Or, maybe they had just escaped from the North Pole.

Some lights were twinkling around the garage doors. The house and garage had lights all along the roof lines and the back door of the house. Grandma said, “Somebody has definitely been here.”

Grandpa wisely said, “Watch out!! They might be hiding in the bushes—just waiting to jump out and scare us.”

They parked their car in the garage and opened the door to the store room by the refrigerator. “Somebody has been riding my tricycle!” said Grandpa wisely.

Grandma said , “Somebody moved our picnic table

They carefully opened the rear door to their house and saw the Nerf pop gun laying on the computer boxes. “Somebody has been shooting the Nerf Pop Gun!” said Grandpa wisely.

Grandma said, “Somebody has been writing on the bulletin board and drawing pictures!”

They entered the kitchen. Grandpa shouted (wisely, of course), “Somebody has been eating my candy!!”

Grandma said, “This picture says they love us and is signed DMAKHJA. Who could that be? I don’t recognize that name.”

Finally Grandma said, “Look, Keeley’s name is also on that picture. It must have been Matt and his family.”

Grandpa and Grandma were so pleased with the nice thing that Dad, Mom, Aubrie, Keeley, Henry, Jesse and Andee had done that they snuggled all snug in their bed and slept with smiles on their faces all night long. Grandma said, “That is the nicest Christmas Present ever.”
Grandpa wisely said ,”Yes dear—it surely is.”
--The End--

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Last night we had so much fun!

Matt got off early and we drove to Mattawa. Matt's parents serve in the Temple on Wednesdays, so we knew that they wouldn't be there.

He he he he.

We put up their Christmas lights for them. The kids ( and myself - I can't deny it) were so excited. Aubrie said to me, "Can't we just stay and hide in the bushes so that we can see the looks on their faces when they get home?" We knew that they wouldn't be home until very late, so we couldn't do it. It is so much fun to serve someone when they don't know you're going to! Sharon called to thank us this morning for the surprise. What a great night!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Some things are just funny

It seems like Jesse is in my blog a lot. Yesterday he topped the list of funnies again. He doesn't like to take the time to wash his hands after using the toilet. So he's devised this plan to help himself out. It goes something like this:
  • Have mom lift you onto the toilet.
  • Bend as far forward to make sure you don't have to touch yourself to get the flow going into the toilet.
  • Shake yourself dry so as not to touch anything again.
  • Have mom lift up your unders and pants for you.
  • Try to run out of the bathroom as quickly as possible, but when mom catches you, then
  • Ask mom to flush, when she politely declines ( this is the new part yesterday) you think to yourself if I don't use my hands to flush I won't have to wash...hmmm...I could use my teeth to flush...whoops... mom doesn't like that idea, I'll use my forehead instead...dang...I guess she won't let me do that either. Dang, I'm missing SUPER WHY, I guess I better hurry and wash 'cause she won't let me out of the bathroom until I do.

No kidding, I sat in the bathroom for several minutes laughing after he left. Silly boy. I'll have to see what happens today.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Just a few funnies

Keeley had her birthday on Saturday. She is now 7 and feels that she is so much more grown up. She is now making her bed in the morning, that is truly more grown up. I can't complain.

When cleaning up after cake I noticed it. A partial candle. Jesse got another one. My kids love to suck the frosting off of the bottom of the candles after they've been blown out. Jesse has taken this quick treat to the next level. Hmmm. He said it was good. Red wax, and it was not a thin candle. It was one of the chunky twisted things. Yuck.

Yesterday was laundry day. Isn't it interesting that no matter how much laundry you do during the week Monday's laundry piles always resemble Mt. Everest. While helping me get the laundry out of the dryer Henry said "Am en't I so helpful, mommy?" What a sweetheart! Yes, my boys love to help me all day long. And obviously I didn't praise him quickly enough.

Yeah! After a long week Andee finally slept through the night again. She got herself into a bad habit, but hopefully we're back on track. She is starting to get a fresh crop of new hair. Yippee!

Aubrie came home from school very excited yesterday. Her teacher marked her pre-spelling test 100%. After reviewing it, Aubrie realized that she had indeed spelled one of the words wrong. She brought it to the attention of her teacher, who praised her for being honest. She came home on cloud nine. Isn't it wonderful how good we feel when we do what's right.

Here was a conversation between Jesse and myself:
Jesse - "You're a dumb (kind of mumbled) mom."
Not sure I was hearing what he said I said, "What nubby?"
Jesse - "You're a good mommy. You're a special mommy, and I love you"

So funny, I'm not sure if he thought that I actually had heard him and didn't like what I heard, but he fixed it really fast. I am now aware what he said in the first statement, because the exact conversation was repeated twice last week. I guess that I need to pay attention to what is happening if it is repeated again. Although he is a big tease, and probably knew that it would get my attention really fast.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Quote I like today!

"At this time of Christmas, this season when gifts are given, let us not forget that God gave His Son, and His Son gave His life, that each of us might have the gift of eternal life."President Gordon B. Hinckley

thanks to Dani, Lindsay's sister

A flash back...

I wrote this a few years ago when Aubrie was 4, she is now almost 10. We were given an assignment in Relief Society to write about a spiritual experience. The experiences of all of the sisters of the Ward were printed in a book, and given to each of us. What a treasure. I was just browsing through my files the other day and found this. I hope you enjoy.

As a mother I find myself looking for those small moments that reward my efforts. It’s these small, profound moments that make everything worth while. Sleepless nights, endless dishes, and mountains of laundry are easily forgotten in these shining moments. I’ve recently been rewarded with a moment that will never be forgotten. Aubrie, my oldest, is almost 4 years old and has been going through another growth spurt. She has been plagued with aching legs, like her daddy was when he was young. Fits of pain usually strike in the middle of the night and result in almost inconsolable pain. On one of these nights after the pain had passed I sat rocking her in my arms. In the pale light I studied her sleeping features for several minutes. While rocking, I thought of how many times I had taken her in my arms and loved her in these short 4 years. As my feelings of love and sympathy swelled I was given a glimpse of the love that Heavenly Father has for Aubrie, and the strength of her spirit. It was as if I could see past the 4 year old body and see the full potential of her spirit. As I sat quietly basking in the moment, the Holy Spirit testified to my soul of her strength and my responsibility as her mother, teacher, and example. I sat rocking her for longer than normal in gratitude for the experience, wanting and needing to be closer to her for a little longer. When the rough times come I will be able to reflect back on this moment to help me remember.

Sheri Stevens

Monday, November 26, 2007

Dive into the Holiday season

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Lots of food, family and fun. It is always nice to spend time with people you enjoy being around. We spent most of our time in Mattawa with Matt's family.

While there Aubrie learned, from a cousin, that Santa is not real. Oh boy. She cried herself to sleep that night and then when she asked me about it I was accused of being a liar and a cheat, the whole 'I hate you' bit. She was most hurt to know that I had been the one to write the letters back from Santa. Shocked is too inadequate of a word to describe her feelings. She took it all rather hard. Matt took her for a drive and they discussed the pros of knowing. She had 7000 questions all day. But she was mad that she could not stay up to place the elf for the next day with me. Hmmm.

The kids are so tired. It seems that a whole week of getting to bed late had caught up with them. Jesse has been taking 3-4 hour naps and still going to bed at 8pm.

Thank you to all of you who've kept us in your prayers. This Sunday was much better. They were still kids and wiggly, but I handled it much better. I'm grateful that Heavely Father hears our prayers, and answers them.

I am gearing up for the new year in Primary, so if anyone has any great ideas, let me know.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Yesterday was a hard one. Matt is on the High Council and yesterday was a speaking day for him. He had to speak in the Spanish Branch in Mattawa. Hence, I had all of the kids for Sacrament meeting by myself again. I'm waiting to learn what it is I need to learn. When Matt is with us we sit toward the front of the chapel, but when he's gone we occupy a bench near the back. I usually sit behind a couple in our ward whose children are all grown. They are help when I have to go out to nurse Andee, but I didn't need to do that yesterday. The kids were just being themselves, but I could feel myself getting really worked up. What's wrong with me? I kept thinking this over and over. I know that how I feel about my children permeates the surface and they can tell if I'm worked up. Chill out. A sweet sister behind me took Andee and so then I had a lap for Jesse to sit on and free arms to help feet dislodge from the bench in front and tickle arms and necks to distract them. Hmmm. It can only get better as they get older. Right?

Friday, November 16, 2007

What was I thinking?

Talk about being mortified!

The other night we had a guy here to measure the kitchen to give us an estimate for some updates. While we were talking Jesse and Keeley couldn't stay away. They were so interested in everything were talking about.

Sweet Jesse, my boy of too many words came up with a great topic of conversation. Pointing to the front of my pants he declares in a too loud voice, "MOMMY IS THAT YOUR PENIS."


After three unsuccessful attempts to shush the poor child, and I'm sure thirteen shades of redface later, I had to address the subject.

Thankfully, the man just kept right on talking to Matt and pretended he didn't hear a thing. I'm sure it was a topic of conversation at his dinner table and the source of many chuckles.

At times like this, I often wonder 'what was I thinking teaching this child the correct term for his most favorite body part?' At least if we taught him it was his 'front' or even just his 'private' it might not have been such an embarrasing moment.

Oh well, my kids know their parts and have curiosity about the parts of others. What can I say.

What's In A Name

It just struck me as funny today, how much time and effort we spend choosing the perfect name for our children. But, if you're like me, you seldom use their given name. I have so many nick-names for my kids here are a few: (terms in bold are the most frequently used)

  • Aubrie - Toots (you say it like you say tootsie roll), sister, girly

  • Keeley - Squealy, sister, girly, Niblet, bliblet

  • Henry - Bud, buddy, buddy buddy, Otis, Buck-o-boy

  • Jesse - Buster, buddy, bud, Wubby, lubby, nubby, wub, djwub-(no it's not misspelled)

  • Andee - Pretty, girly, baby, sweetums, snort

What do you call your kids?

Am I being vain if...

  • I can't go visiting teaching without makeup?
  • I don't like to have people come to my house if it is messy?
  • I got bangs cut to hide the balding patches at the top of my widows peak?
  • I hate wearing the same old ratty t-shirts year after year?
  • I want my kids to look nice when we go somewhere?
  • I don't want my friends to know that I actually do get mad enough to yell at my kids?
  • I don't feel pretty on the days I don't take time to put make-up on?
  • I don't want to walk around with buggers on my pants?
  • I'm embarrassed when my friends see the buggers wiped on my walls, but I frequently walk by them without cleaning them off?
  • I'm afraid that Aubrie will tell everyone that when I was pregnant with Henry she made me pee my pants by scaring me when we were playing hide and seek during FHE?
  • I'd be mortified if anyone knew how much I actually weigh?


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I love you mommy...

Aren't these the most precious words you child can speak to you?

I had a very tender experience with Jesse on Saturday.

We had gone to Marv's (Matt's dad) birthday dinner and we were in Mattawa talking with all of the inlaws and having a great time. The kids were all playing nicely together. Cousin time, what could be better. I was talking to the sisters in law that were there when sweet little Jesse, forever my shadow, came back to see me. I had just recently taken him to the bathroom and he had run off to play for a few minutes. I was holding Andee and burping her when Jesse came to sit by us. Getting my attention by putting his pudgy little hands on my face he looked at me and said "mommy I have to tell you something." He threw his arms around my neck and said very quietly "mommy, I love you so much. I just put a bugger in your hair." Sweet, sweet Jesse. My boy. Took me a moment to find it.

Funny now! Don't you just love those moments...

who could guess...

Of course every child's first friend is his or her blanket. My children are examples of this rule. These are their blankets' names:
  • Aubrie - bawkee
  • Keeley - bypee
  • Henry - bay baw
  • Jesse - bawkee
  • Andee - she can't tell me yet

The blankets in our home are dragged everywhere, and used for everything including but not limited to: wrapping up in on the kitchen floor in the morning while mom makes breakfast and lunches for those who don't eat at home, chewing on for a sleep aid, sliding on the floor, whipping mean older sisters with, crying into, covering up for a nap, dropping on the floor to trip over, and wiping noses on.

It seems they are never clean for longer that it takes to be held after they are removed from the dryer.

Our kids can love them, hold them and use them for all of these things and more, but only until their fifth birthday. After that they have been placed into a closet by mom and will be taken out and given as a wedding gift, or something equally as embarrassing. Henry has his fifth birthday coming up in February. I'm not sure what he'll do for something to chew on when he's going to sleep, happy, sad, mad etc. Hmmm. Only time will tell.

Let's hear it for the blankees- that's what mine was called!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Kids are so funny

Here are some of the funny things that we have learned over the past month:
  • A discarded razor must first be wrapped in lots of TP or it may be discovered by the 4 year old and will invariably cut his tongue.
  • Jesse will use the toilet for a Swedish fish but not a mini M&M
  • When asking if the 9 year old washed her hair you must specifically ask if shampoo was used
  • tooting squirrels are funny to a variety of ages
  • when sending the 6 year old to clean her room you have to make sure she understands that you will be checking the closet and under her dresser and bed

We have had a lot of laughs this month. I hope you find things to laugh about too!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

I need to keep track...

The days all seem to fly by so quickly. I used to keep a monthly journal for each of my kids so we could look back and laugh at a the funny little things that they said or did. Sadly that has become a thing of the past.

However, I'd like to have a place to share and put my thoughts. I don't have a mind like a trap, and sometimes if I don't write things down they're lost forever.

I'll start at the beginning. Matt and I were married in the Salt Lake Temple on August 12, 1994. We have had over 13 years together. Matt is currently the Principal for the local High School in Othello, WA. We have lived here in Othello for 10 years. He is on the High Council and also serves as our Ward Activities chairman. I stay at home with our children doing the mom thing. There is nothing that I'd rather be doing. I am the Primary President. Need I say more. With 5 kids we are busy!

Aubrie is our oldest. She is 9 years old. She was baptized last year. She is an avid reader. She devours books. She also races to read the comics in the paper every day. But her absolute favorite is Calvin and Hobbes. Matt has a few books that she can't keep her hands off. I'm sure she had read them each 12 times. This scares me a bit. I'm just waiting to see which of Calvin's favorite moves will be tried out next. I've already had to abolish 'attack the babysitter'. Aubrie plays the piano. She is on her third year and hates to practice (what kid doesn't). She does well in school, and was the Student of the month in her grade this month. She can do anything she sets her mind to. Aubrie likes to tell jokes and make people laugh. She will do anything if it means she can spend time with me. She wears glasses and has braces too. She's a good kid and tries hard to do what's right.

Keeley is our soon to be 7 year old. She is a lot of fun, always laughing and dancing. She is in first grade this year and loves going to school all day long. At our family football games in the backyard, Keeley always wants to be the cheerleader. She loves being a girl and all of the frilly things that go with it. She also loves to collect things. For example her current collections include: rocks, shells, beads, broken crayons, cool pencils, and anyone's favorite cool toy that might be set aside for a moment too long. If anything is missing, Keeley's junk drawer or under her pillow are the first two places to look. Keeley is learning to like reading. She is getting better and recognizing more and more words. She loves to cook dinner with me but hates to set the table. She doesn't do well if told what to do or given no say in the matter. But if you give her a choice -- even if it is between practice the piano now or in five minutes-- she's happy.

Henry is 4. He is all boy. He enjoys cars, dirt, mud, mowing the lawn, working outside with Matt, wrestling with Jesse- or whomever is closest to him. His new passion is football. We have had multiple family games this week alone. He has an infectious laugh. He is a lover. He loves to give kisses and hugs. He thinks it is extremely funny if he kisses me on the lips. Just tonight he gave me a butterfly kiss. He loves to help do any thing with Matt or I if we use the term"work". Poor kid, he thrives on working. This summer and last he loved digging holes to bury the rocks for my path in the backyard. He loves pulling weeds with me and he was in 7th heaven when he painted the house with Matt this summer. He is my sweet boy.

Jesse is 2 and recently potty trained. It only took three tries until he decided to do it. I was ready several months before he was. He is such a good boy. He is literally my shadow. He prefers to be with me all day. It doesn't matter if I'm folding clothes or changing a messy diaper. He wants to be right there. I love the funny conversations that we have. He loves to tease --wonder where he got that from-- Matt and I are both terrible teases. Hmmm... He loves his tennis shoes. He refused all summer to wear his sandals even when it was 110 degrees outside. He loves to play cars and wrestle with Henry. He frequently jumps Henry from behind and tackles him to the ground. He loves to 'smooch' my cheeks and give hugs. It is so funny to see his little body in underwear. He's very proud of the fact that he wears underwear.

Andee is our newest
addition. She is three months old and loved by all. She was born 7-7-07. What an easy birthday to remember! She is a good baby. She sleeps from about 10 pm until 7 or 8 am. Occasionally she'll wake up at 5 to eat. She loves to see the kids and have them talk to her. She is discovering her hands and voice. She loves to play with her new toys --they are new to her-- especially the links and her stuffed elephant. She smiles readily and is mostly content. It won't be long before she is rolling over. Just this week she is rolling to her side. I'm hoping that she'll be a lefty like me. It would be nice to have at least one!